Change Detection
Buffalo Glacier 1979-2007
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Grizzly Glacier 1978-2017
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Okpilak Glacier 1907-2017
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Arrigetch Peaks - headwaters with Arrigetch Glaciers "2+3+4" coalescing and flowing downhill.
1911 photograph - P. Smith
Click-on the photograph above to see full resolution. Arrigetch Peaks headwaters with coalescing cirque glaciers 2-3-4.
1962 photograph - T. Hamilton
Click-on the photograph above to see full resolution. Arrigetch Peaks headwaters with coalescing cirque glaciers 2-3-4.
1979 photograph - J. Ellis
Click-on the photograph above to see full resolution. Arrigetch Peaks headwaters with coalescing cirque glaciers 2-3-4.
Buffalo Glacier Stake Measurements
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1977 to 1981 stakes drilled and redrilled into ablating glacier ice.
Grizzly Glacier Stake Measurements
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1977 to 1981 stakes drilled and redrilled into ablating glacier ice.
1977 to 1981 stakes drilled and redrilled into ablating glacier ice.
Marmot Glacier Stake Measurements
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1977 to 1981 stakes drilled and redrilled into ablating glacier ice.
1977 to 1981 stakes drilled and redrilled into ablating glacier ice.
Buffalo Glacier Stakes
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Buffalo Glacier Stakes
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Monthly Air Temperature
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Temperature measurements at Grzzly Glacier
Snow Pit on Buffalo Glacier
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Michael Bruen and Parker Calkin digging snow pit, Summer 1978.
Measuring Water Content
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Michael Bruen in snow pit, Summer 1978.
Michael Bruen in snow pit, Summer 1978.
Bergshrund at Grizzly Glacier
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Steve Walti at crevasse, Summer 1979.