Google Earth Maps - or - .kmz files for Virtual Globes
Regional maps of the 4 study areas and Landsat images are formatted to display in Google Earth. Zips of .kmz files are on the Google Earth webpage. Download the zip, open the .kmz and the GIS layers will display in Google Earth. You can fade the map over the image. At each glacier there will be a posting with a ground photograph from 1977-1982 and physical characteristics listed.
1980 Atigun Pass kmz file showing close-up of Marmot glacier map (and Ptarmigan rock glacier) draped on 1999 infrared Landsat image with ice colored red. GoogleEarth pop-up displays ground photo and physical data about Marmot glacier and downslope Holocene deposit.
The .kmz file is zipped. Download and unzip.
The .kmz file is zipped. Download and unzip.
The .kmz file is zipped. Download and unzip.
The .kmz file is zipped. Download and unzip.
Atigun Pass kmz file showing cirque glaciers and rock glaciers visited and mapping during 1977 - 1982 field seasons. Pins open up pop-up window shown above.