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Parker E. Calkin & James M. Ellis (1980) A Lichenometric Dating Curve andits Application to Holocene Glacier Studies in the Central Brooks Range, Alaska, Arctic and AlpineResearch, 12:3, 245-264, DOI: 10.1080/00040851.1980.12004185
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James M. Ellis & Parker E. Calkin (1979) Nature and Distribution of Glaciers,Neoglacial Moraines, and Rock Glaciers, East-Central Brooks Range, Alaska, Arctic and AlpineResearch, 11:4, 403-420, DOI: 10.1080/00040851.1979.12004149
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P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis, 1981, A cirque glacier chronology based on emergent lichens and mosses: Journal of Glaciology, v. 27, no. 97, p. 511-515.
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James Ellis, 1982, Holocene Glaciation of the Central Brooks Range, University at Buffalo, 396 p.
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Glacier Retreat in the Brooks Range, Alaska in Climate Change (Chapter 16) of Remote Sensing Principles, Interpretation, and Applications (F.F. Sabins and J.M. Ellis), Waveland Press, p. 460-465.
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J.M. Ellis, P.E. Calkin, and T.D. Hamilton, 1981 , Holocene glaciation of the Arrigetch Peaks, Brooks Range, Alaska: Arctic, v. 34, no. 2, p.158-169.
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Field Measurements and Multivariate Analysis of over 50 cirque glaciers differentiated environments supporting non ice-cored moraines, ice-cored moraines, and tongue-shaped rock glaciers.
J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin, 1982, Environments and soils of Holocene moraines and rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska, in Evenson, E.B., Ch. Schluchter, and J. Rabassa, eds., Tills and Related Deposits (Genesis/Petrology/Application/Stratigraphy): A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 315-328
Click-on the text above to see the USGS pamphlet pdf.
National Park Service, 2012, Glacier Chronologies in the southern Brooks Range (interview with Simon Pendleton); Experience your America, 2 p.
Glaciers and Rock Glaciers
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The four panels show my (J. Ellis) concept of how the Neoglacial glaciers and rock glaciers developed after the retreat of the Pleistocene valley glaciers.
C = empty cirque
M = non glacier-cored moraine
TRGC = tongue-shaped rock glacier
M-W = mass-wasting (headwall debris falling on remnant Pleistocene glacier ice preserved in cirques)
Location of Pika Rock Glacier
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View looking South. USGS 1979 aerial photograph was orthorectified and draped over a DEM.
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The publication shows the figure above that documents the change in Pika Rock Glacier's surface elevation as measured with theodolite and stadia during summer 1978 and then during summer 1983.
L.A. Haworth, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis, 1987 Distribution and activity of rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska in Giardino, J.R., J.F. Schroder, and J.D. Viteck, eds., Rock Glaciers, Allen & Urwin, Boston, p. 65-82
L.A. Haworth, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis, 1987 Distribution and activity of rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska in Giardino, J.R., J.F. Schroder, and J.D. Viteck, eds., Rock Glaciers, Allen & Urwin, Boston, p. 65-82
Profile of Pika Rock Glacier
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Rock glacier surface elevation as measured with theodolite and stadia during summer 1978 .
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J.M. Ellis, P.E. Calkin, M.P. Bruin, and L.A. Haworth, 1983, Guide to Grizzly Glacier and Jaeger and Pika Rock Glaciers, Atigun Pass area in Brown, I. and R. Krieg, eds., Guidebook 4- Fourth International Conference on Permafrost, July 18-22, 1983, University of Alaska, Alaska Division of Geology and Geophysical Surveys, p. 154-159.
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T.D. Hamilton, 1964, Comparative glacier photographs from northern Alaska: Journal of Glaciology, p. 479-487.
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Leah A. Haworth, Parker E. Calkin & James M. Ellis (1986) Direct Measurement of Lichen Growth in the Central Brooks Range, Alaska, U.S.A., and ItsApplication to Lichenometric Dating, Arctic and Alpine Research, 18:3, 289-296, DOI:10.1080/00040851.1986.12004090
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L.H. Evison, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis, 1996, Late-Holocene glaciation and twentieth-century retreat, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: The Holocene 6, 1, Arnold, 17-24.
2020 Glacier Retreat in the Brooks Range, Alaska in Climate Change (Chapter 16) of Remote Sensing Principles, Interpretation, and Applications (F.F. Sabins and J.M. Ellis), Waveland Press, p. 460-465.
1996 Late-Holocene glaciation and twentieth-century retreat, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska (L.H. Evison, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis): The Holocene 6, 1, Arnold, 17-24. 1987 Distribution and activity of rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska (L.A. Haworth, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis) in Giardino, J.R., J.F. Schroder, and J.D. Viteck, eds., Rock Glaciers, Allen & Urwin, Boston, p. 65-82.
1986 Direct measurement of lichen growth in the central Brooks Range, Alaska, USA and its application to lichenometric dating (L.A. Haworth, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis): Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 18, no. 3, p. 289-296.
1985 Cirque glacier regime and Neoglaciation, Brooks Range, Alaska (P.E. Calkin, J.M. Ellis, L.A. Haworth, P.E. Burns): Zeitschrift fur Gletscherkunde and Glazialgeologie, v. 21, no.1, 8 p.
1984 Chronology of Holocene glaciation, central Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 897-912.
1983 Guide to Grizzly Glacier and Jaeger and Pika Rock Glaciers, Atigun Pass area (J.M. Ellis, P.E. Calkin, M.P. Bruin, and L.A. Haworth) in Brown, I. and R. Krieg, eds., Guidebook 4- Fourth International Conference on Permafrost, July 18-22, 1983, University of Alaska, Alaska Division of Geology and Geophysical Surveys, p. 154-159.
Environments and soils of Holocene moraines and rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin), in Evenson, E.B., Ch. Schluchter, and J. Rabassa, eds., Tills and Related Deposits (Genesis/Petrology/Application/Stratigraphy): A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 315-328
1982 Holocene glaciation of the central Brooks Range, Alaska: Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 396 p.
Development and application of a lichenometric dating curve, Brooks Range, Alaska (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis), in Mahaney, W.C., ed., Quaternary Dating Methods: Milo Dowden, Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania, p. 227-246.
Holocene glacial chronology of the Brooks Range, northern Alaska (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis) In Karlen, W., ed., Holocene Glaciers: Striae (Uppsala, Sweden), v. 18, p. 3-8.
1981 Holocene glaciation of the Arrigetch Peaks, Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis, P.E. Calkin, and T.D. Hamilton): Arctic, v. 34, no. 2, p.158-169.
A cirque glacier chronology based on emergent lichens and mosses (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis): Journal of Glaciology, v. 27, no. 97, p. 511-515.
1980 A lichenometric dating curve and its application to Holocene glacier studies in the central Brooks Range, Alaska (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis): Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 12, no. 3, p. 245-264.
1979 Nature and distribution of glaciers, Neoglacial moraines, and rock glaciers, east-central Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin): Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 11, no. 4, p. 403-420.
1978 Neoglaciation of the Atigun Pass area, east-central Brooks Range, northern Alaska: M.A. thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 113 p. 18 Abstracts published between 1978 and 1984 on Brooks Range glacial geology and Holocene glacial history.
1996 Late-Holocene glaciation and twentieth-century retreat, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska (L.H. Evison, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis): The Holocene 6, 1, Arnold, 17-24. 1987 Distribution and activity of rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska (L.A. Haworth, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis) in Giardino, J.R., J.F. Schroder, and J.D. Viteck, eds., Rock Glaciers, Allen & Urwin, Boston, p. 65-82.
1986 Direct measurement of lichen growth in the central Brooks Range, Alaska, USA and its application to lichenometric dating (L.A. Haworth, P.E. Calkin, and J.M. Ellis): Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 18, no. 3, p. 289-296.
1985 Cirque glacier regime and Neoglaciation, Brooks Range, Alaska (P.E. Calkin, J.M. Ellis, L.A. Haworth, P.E. Burns): Zeitschrift fur Gletscherkunde and Glazialgeologie, v. 21, no.1, 8 p.
1984 Chronology of Holocene glaciation, central Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 897-912.
1983 Guide to Grizzly Glacier and Jaeger and Pika Rock Glaciers, Atigun Pass area (J.M. Ellis, P.E. Calkin, M.P. Bruin, and L.A. Haworth) in Brown, I. and R. Krieg, eds., Guidebook 4- Fourth International Conference on Permafrost, July 18-22, 1983, University of Alaska, Alaska Division of Geology and Geophysical Surveys, p. 154-159.
Environments and soils of Holocene moraines and rock glaciers, central Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin), in Evenson, E.B., Ch. Schluchter, and J. Rabassa, eds., Tills and Related Deposits (Genesis/Petrology/Application/Stratigraphy): A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 315-328
1982 Holocene glaciation of the central Brooks Range, Alaska: Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 396 p.
Development and application of a lichenometric dating curve, Brooks Range, Alaska (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis), in Mahaney, W.C., ed., Quaternary Dating Methods: Milo Dowden, Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania, p. 227-246.
Holocene glacial chronology of the Brooks Range, northern Alaska (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis) In Karlen, W., ed., Holocene Glaciers: Striae (Uppsala, Sweden), v. 18, p. 3-8.
1981 Holocene glaciation of the Arrigetch Peaks, Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis, P.E. Calkin, and T.D. Hamilton): Arctic, v. 34, no. 2, p.158-169.
A cirque glacier chronology based on emergent lichens and mosses (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis): Journal of Glaciology, v. 27, no. 97, p. 511-515.
1980 A lichenometric dating curve and its application to Holocene glacier studies in the central Brooks Range, Alaska (P.E. Calkin and J.M. Ellis): Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 12, no. 3, p. 245-264.
1979 Nature and distribution of glaciers, Neoglacial moraines, and rock glaciers, east-central Brooks Range, Alaska (J.M. Ellis and P.E. Calkin): Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 11, no. 4, p. 403-420.
1978 Neoglaciation of the Atigun Pass area, east-central Brooks Range, northern Alaska: M.A. thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 113 p. 18 Abstracts published between 1978 and 1984 on Brooks Range glacial geology and Holocene glacial history.