Image-Processing Lab Manuals
The lab manuals (pdfs) are available for download from
Click-on the text above to see the ReadMe pdf.
The lab manual uses data in the textbook’s Remote Sensing Digital Database, along with data from other sources. Each lab exercise includes references to discussions, figures, and plates in the textbook. The labs provide step-by-step guidance using L3Harris ENVI image-processing software. Each lab handout averages 15 pages with screen captures of properly configured software menus, questions for the students to answer, and requests for student-processed files to be uploaded to the instructor.
Click-on the text above to see the ReadMe pdf.
The student chooses the Pro or Desktop version of the lab exercise depending on the software they are using. The labs average 18 pages each.
The introduction page of each lab specifies specific chapters, discussions, figures and plates in the textbook that are relevant to understanding the principles and image processing techniques involved in the lab exercise. In addition, the introduction page contains a list of image processing and GIS tasks included in the lab and some background material.
YouTube Tutorials for the ArcGIS Pro lab manual are provided (see information page on this website).
Click-on the text above to see the ReadMe pdf.
This lab manual is designed for:
1) GIS instructors who want to use this textbook and ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop for their remote sensing course,
2) GIS instructors, students, and users who want to do their own processing, enhancement, and information extraction of satellite and airborne images and DEMs using ArcGIS Pro.
Click-on the text above to see the ReadMe pdf.
The exercises in the original ArcGIS Pro lab manual pdf were redone when creating YouTube tutorials of the 12 exercises (see next webpage). This pdf corrects the errors that were discovered in the ArcGIS Pro lab manual pdf that is on the publisher's website